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Sons and Daughters | Leading as Sons and Daughters Series Part 1 of 6
In this first episode I talk about the importance of us going on a journey of growing in revelation of our sonship/daughterhood. The...

Masks Off! | Leading as Sons and Daughters Series Part 2 of 6
In this second video I talk about the importance of us leading without a mask. If we want to be leaders who empower the people around us,...

Give Courage | Leading as Sons and Daughters Series Part 3 of 6
We should never underestimate the power of our words to change the trajectory of someone’s life. Encouragement is really powerful and an...

Multiply | Leading as Sons and Daughters Series Part 4 of 6
When we lead out of our identity we want the people around us to flourish in God. A key part of this process is investing in others and...

Impact Generations | Leading as Sons and Daughters Series Part 5 of 6
One of the things I love most about leadership is the thought that the choices and sacrifices I make throughout my life can benefit the...

Above All Else | Leading as Sons and Daughters Series Part 6 of 6
In this final video I talk about the importance of our hearts as leaders. Proverbs 4:23 tells us that above all else we need to guard our...
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