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Naturally Supernatural: In the beginning.

Photo: Danielle MacInnes
I live with the conviction that the life Jesus modelled is meant to be the normal Christian life for every believer.

Everywhere that Jesus went He proclaimed and demonstrated the Kingdom of God. He did it all as a dearly loved son in relationship with His Heavenly Father, and anointed with the Holy Spirit. Jesus passed the baton for extending God's Kingdom to His disciples and the disciples have now passed the baton to us. Every believer is called and commissioned by God to advance His Kingdom wherever they have influence. What a privilege!

Many years ago I began a journey, with others at the King's Arms, of trying to learn how to bring God's Kingdom in my everyday life. I had very little clue what I was doing and I had so much fear of failure and rejection to overcome. As I tentatively took opportunities to take risks and give things a go, God rushed in to meet me and encourage me. I learnt that He is much more passionate about and committed to bringing His Kingdom than I ever could be.

I used a blog back then to record all the incredible things God did and the lessons He taught me. Over the next little while I want to share some of those original stories and revelations here - as a reminder for me, and also as an encouragement to you. I've written a book called Naturally Supernatural and I love to equip the church to do the stuff that Jesus did, but there was a time when I had never seen anyone healed and I'd never spoken to anyone on the streets about Jesus. God has done a profound work in me and I know He wants to do the same in you too. Every believer is called and commissioned by God to bring His Kingdom wherever they influence. Are you ready to say yes to Him?


Drives a Digger - September 2008

This was one of my very first encounters

I went out with some friends for a 'prophetic meal' - where you do a treasure hunt while eating food in a restaurant or pub. As we prayed before heading to the pub I got the clue drives a digger. This felt like quite a bizarre clue so I put it under the 'unusual' heading on my treasure map. I thought I might bump into someone who drove a digger for a job and was relaxing in the pub after a hard days work.

We went to the pub, ordered our food and sat down to scan the room for our clues. This particular pub has windows all the way across the front that look out onto the street, and I'd sat with my back to them. Just before our food arrived my friend sitting opposite me pointed to the windows and said, 'I think that might be your digger driver Wendy'. As I looked behind me I saw that 4 workmen had just arrived to do work on the paving outside the pub and that one of them had literally driven up in a digger! I wasn't going to meet a guy relaxing in the pub after a hard days work driving a digger, I was going to meet a guy who was ACTUALLY driving a digger!

My immediate response, after laughing at God's sense of humour, was one of sheer terror. I was going to have to go and have a conversation with these 4 workmen. God had spoken and I needed to respond. After about 5 minutes of plucking up the courage I went outside the pub to chat to the workmen. Nothing else on my treasure map made any sense to them and they didn't want prayer for anything, so I had a quick chat with them and then returned to the pub to eat my dinner.

What did I learn from this encounter? I am able to walk through some intense fear, even the most random prophetic clues can be from God, and God is often more interested in our obedience to Him than the outcome of what we do.


Wendy Mann Equip |

Building Family, Prioritising God's Presence, Extending God’s Kingdom


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