The Father is speaking to me at the moment about the impact my seemingly small obedience can have on the people around me. I am increasingly trying to respond to His very gentle nudges, which often involve me saying or doing something very small. I'm then being amazing when I see and hear about the impact my obedience has had. I am learning afresh that God is always working behind the scenes in people's lives, in more ways than I could know or imagine. When I add my small yes to His activity, the result is a ripple effect of Kingdom impact.
You just never know the impact your obedience to God will have on the people around you
The other week I had the privilege of preaching at Emmanuel Church Oxford. During the worship a lady caught my eye and I started to sense some things that God wanted to say to her. I picked her out at the end of the meeting in response to God's prompting, and I shared the 'small' encouragement I felt God had given me. But God had been working behind the scenes!
I found out a little later that this lady had felt that God was speaking to her through the service, but that she needed confirmation. She had said to God that if what she was sensing was Him, someone would need to pick her out to prophesy over her. Then I did just that! I had no idea, but Jesus was already at work.
The next day I was walking with Jesus and the name of a friend I haven't been in touch with for years, dropped into my heart. I started to think about her and ask God what He wanted to say to encourage her. Then I sent her a voice message to share the 'small' encouragement I had. It was a gentle nudge from the Father and it cost me very little to be obedient, but I soon found out that God had been working behind the scenes.
This friend messaged me back and told me that she'd preached at church the day before and had mentioned me in her preach! What are the chances! We hadn't been in touch for years! My message was a confirmation from the Father about the importance of what my friend had been talking about and a real encouragement for her. I had no idea, but Jesus was already at work.
Another situation a few weeks ago blew my mind. I'd seen on Facebook that a girl who used to be in my youth group years ago had gone through a really difficult time. Her mum had died very suddenly and to remember her, the family had put a bench by the river where I often walk. One afternoon when I was at the river I felt a gentle nudge from God to go and find the bench and to pray for the family. As I sat on the bench I sent a message to my friend - who I haven't been in touch with for years - telling her I had found her mum's bench and was praying for her.
Amazingly, God had been working behind the scenes!
My friend sent me a message the same day and here's the bit that blew me away:
"You came to me in a dream this week and said something incredibly profound about mum’s love being a blanket and god’s love being a duvet..."
WHAT! Did you get that? Having not been in touch for years, the same week God spoke to me about finding the bench, He was already at work in my friend's life.
I came to her in a dream!
In the same week!
Having not been in touch for years!
God is so brilliant!
I had no idea the impact my small obedience would have, but it turns out that Jesus was already working behind the scenes. Wow!
So, I'm learning in this season to listen to the Father and to pay attention to the promptings and gentle nudges that I could so easily ignore. I'm rarely aware of the impact my small obedience will have, but I'm learning that Jesus is often working behind the scenes and that when I say yes to Him, I can expect a beautiful ripple effect of Kingdom impact.
How are you doing at recognising and responding to God's promptings? You just never know the impact your obedience to God will have on the people around you.
Wendy Mann Equip | www.wendymannequip.com
Building Family, Prioritising God's Presence, Extending God’s Kingdom